Maybe we should start with "What's an FAQ?"

If you can’t find your answer below, feel free to contact us!

Nfty Pete

NFT-O-Matic FAQs

  • Who We Are
    • What is Blockalicious LLC?

      Blockalicious is a group of dedicated thought leaders leveraging blockchain distributed-ledger technologies and out-of-the-box thinking to deliver practical solutions to challenging business problems. Blockalicious reduces costs and drives efficiency by using tomorrow’s technology to solve today’s problems.  We helped Nfty Pete launch NFT-O-Matic because we loved the idea of a simple, fun and free to create & enjoy your own NFTs, but also to showcase the power of RockSolid, the enterprise NFT creation & management engine from Blockalicious LLC.

    • What is NFT-O-Matic?

      NFT-O-Matic is the simple, fun and free to create & enjoy your own NFTs!  NFT-O-Matic was created to showcase the power of RockSolid, the enterprise NFT creation & management engine from Blockalicious LLC.

    • What is RockSolid?

      RockSolid is a revolutionary engine that allows companies to use their current systems (like Salesforce or Dynamics) while still getting the benefits of web3, like NFTs, bitcoin and blockchain.  Most uses of NFTs today involve a great deal of complexity and confusion for consumers and businesses alike.  It seems like you have to learn a whole new language and use new technologies just to get started.  RockSolid’s Enterprise NFT Engine makes NFT creation accessible to the masses.

      At Blockalicious, we envision NFTs becoming deeply integrated into the transactions and processes we engage in every day, often without people even knowing an NFT was involved.  That was one reason we created NFT-O-Matic, to show how our RockSolid platform can deliver the power of an NFT without all the jargon and complexity (did we mention that NFT-O-Matic is simple, fun and free?).

    • What's a NOMer?

      If you made an NFT using NFT-O-Matic, then YOU are a NOMer!  It is short for NFT-O-Matic-er, aka someone who uses NFT-O-Matic.  Kinda like a fiddler is someone who uses a fiddle.  Or a biker is someone who uses a bike.  Hey, Nfty Pete came up with it, and we didn’t want to hurt his feelings by changing it!

    • Who is Nfty Pete?

      Why, the mascot of NFT-O-Matic, of course! Nfty Pete does all the heavy lifting around here: teaching people how to use the site, minting NFTs, writing images to IPFS, etc. He makes sure NFT-O-Matic stays simple, fun & free!

      Legend has it that Nfty Pete's parents were the world's first NFT and an ancient Greek stone (petra) that reputedly was the world's first simple, fun and free item. But only Nfty Pete knows for sure, and he's not saying!

      If you are thinking that the first ancient Greek petra was thousands of years ago but the world's first NFT wasn't minted until 2014, you need to know that Pete inhabits a parallel universe where time is just one of many constructs subject to manipulation. Think "Interstellar" meets "Bugs Bunny", with some "Mr. Incredible" thrown in. But we digress...

      Nfty Pete
      Nfty Pete
  • NFT 101
    • Can you delete an NFT? What does it mean to “burn” an NFT?

      Deleting items from blockchain-based storage systems works a little differently than deleting items from traditional systems.  Don’t forget, one of the benefits of blockchains is that once something is written to chain, it is there forever and can’t be changed. 

      With blockchain, deleting an asset is called “burning” it.  When you burn a web3 asset like an NFT, what you are really doing is removing the pointer to that asset from whatever system you are using.  The asset still exists (on IPFS storage, for example), but there would be no way to see it.  Ownership is generally transferred to a “burn address” on the blockchain that nobody owns or controls.

    • What does it mean to "mint" an NFT? What is "minting"?

      Minting an NFT is the process of publishing your unique token to the blockchain.  On NFT-O-Matic, since your NFT represents ownership to an image, it also involves storing that image on IPFSNfty Pete uses the image and data you entered, creates the token containing that data (which also refers to the image location on IPFS and the NFT-O-Matic smart contract) and transfers that token to your wallet on NFT-O-Matic.  Boom!  Your NFT has been minted and is all yours.

    • What is a blockchain?

      A blockchain is a system of storing data that makes the data practically impossible to edit or hack. It’s a network of dozens to thousands of computers that track transactions in their network. They generate a giant shared ledger of who owns what, and how much of it. The transactions in a blockchain are chained together into blocks. Once written, those blocks can’t be changed, making blockchain the most indelible way to store data.  A blockchain storage system is a type of distributed ledger, but not all distributed ledgers are blockchains. 

      Blockchains differ from typical databases because they link data blocks together via cryptography in two important ways. First, new data entered in a blockchain goes into a fresh block. When the block is full of data, it becomes linked to the previous block. This means that the data is chained together in chronological order. Decentralized blockchains are considered “immutable” because the data entered is secure, unchangeable and permanent. Second, no single server is the “owner” of the data.  Each server contains a complete and authoritative set of data.  This is different than traditional databases, in which the primary server is the owner even though remote servers may have permissions to read from and/or write to the primary server.

      You can store many different kinds of information on a blockchain, but it’s most commonly used as a ledger for transactions. For example, blockchain and cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum work hand-in-hand.  Bitcoin utilizes a decentralized blockchain so that no single person or group has control over the tokens or transactions.

    • What is a smart contract?

      Smart contracts are like tiny programs stored on a blockchain that make something happen when certain conditions are met. It’s an automated, self-executing contract that has the terms of an agreement between a buyer and seller written in its code. Smart contracts give buyers and sellers certainty over an agreement’s outcome without having to involve an intermediary and save them time and effort.  The conditions that must be met before an action is taken are determined in advance, and then the smart contract monitors whether those conditions have been satisfied.  Once all conditions are met, then the predefined action is taken. 

      Think of it like a fancy If/Then statement.  If a vending machine were run by smart contract, the smart contract would say: IF (1) money is inserted AND (2) selection is made AND (3) product is in stock, THEN (A) vend product to buyer AND (B) give money to vending machine owner AND (C) give the snack to the buyer.

    • What is a web3 "wallet"?

      On NFT-O-Matic (and everyone in web3 universe), a “wallet” is simply the place where you store your NFTs.  It is just like the old-fashioned wallet in which people used to stick dollar bills, but the web3 wallet is all-digital and stores tokens instead of physical money.  Those tokens can be NFTs, cryptocurrencies or other digital assets.  Wallets in web3 also serve as a form of on-chain identity, playing an important role in access to services, validating ownership or approving transactions.

      Wallets can be either custodial or non-custodial.  Think of a custodial wallet like a bank account, where an institution holds the wallet for you and transacts on your behalf as you direct.  A non-custodial wallet is held directly by the owner with no intermediary.  The technical difference is who has control over the private key for the wallet, which is the long code needed to approve transactions.  You don’t need to trust a third party when using a non-custodial wallet, but the downside is that you are 100% responsible for safeguarding your private key.  There is no “lost password” function for a custodial wallet.

    • What is an NFT?

      NFT stands for “non-fungible token”, meaning each one is unique.  We probably would have just called it a UT (unique token), but the web3 professionals didn’t ask us!  NFTs are unique web3 assets that are stored on a blockchain.  This means that anyone can trace an NFT from the original creator all the way to your wallet - and verify its authenticity at each step along the way.  NFTs document who created it, when it was created, who bought it and when, what price it sold for, and who owns it.  All of this data is generally public information, although you could have an NFT that stores data on a private blockchain, making the details non-public.  NFTs and cryptocurrencies are both tokens, but crypto tokens are FUNGIBLE. For example, every Bitcoin token is identical to every other Bitcoin token, whereas NFTs are NON-FUNGIBLE, meaning unique.

      Most people associate NFTs with digital art. The NFT isn’t the art itself, but is the digital certificate of authenticity and proof of ownership relating to that artwork.  Some NFTs can perform a utility, like unlocking a digital experience, granting access to an exclusive community, or letting you contribute to specific projects.  Unfortunately, most uses of NFTs today involve a great deal of complexity and confusion for consumers and businesses alike.  It seems like you have to learn a whole new language and use new technologies just to get started.

      At Blockalicious, we envision NFTs becoming deeply integrated into the transactions and processes we engage in every day, often without people even knowing an NFT was involved.  That was one reason we created NFT-O-Matic, to show how our RockSolid platform can deliver the power of an NFT without all the jargon and complexity (did we mention that NFT-O-Matic is simple, fun and free?).

    • What is IPFS?

      IPFS stands for "interplanetary file system" (don't blame Nfty Pete, he didn't come up with the acronym).  In short, IPFS is like cloud storage (think Google Drive or DropBox), but your item lives on a distributed network of web3 servers around the world, so you are not dependent on any one server or company to safeguard the data. Anything stored on IPFS is permanent (meaning it cannot be deleted), and the link to that item will never change.

      The images associated with NFTs (as opposed to attributes like the NFT's title and description) are written to IPFS in a process called "minting".

      You can learn more about IPFS here.

    • What is the difference between NFTs and smart contracts?

      NFTs are powered by smart contracts, but the two are not the same. A smart contract is an application that runs on a blockchain that deals with the ownership and transferability of an NFT. Every NFT is issued pursuant to the terms of a smart contract, and can only be transferred in accordance with that smart contract.

    • What is web3?

      Web3 is shorthand for the next iteration of the world wide web, which is based on blockchain technology.  Web 1.0 refers to the web’s early days, when most sites consisted of static pages and the majority of web users consumed web content rather than produced it.  In Web 2.0, the web became a platform on which users could create content and engage with other users using forums, social media and networking services, blogs, and wikis.  That is the version of the web that most of us use today.

      But Web 3.0 (or web3) envisions a fully distributed web based on blockchain technology like distributed ledger storage, tokens and NFTs.  Unlike Web 2.0 where data and content (and, some say, power) are concentrated in the hands of a few giant tech companies, web3 will see people owning their own content and able to interact directly with one another, without needing a company in the middle to facilitate that transaction.

      You can learn more about web3 here.

  • How To Use NFT-O-Matic
    • Can I post my NFT(s) on social media?

      Yes! When you are viewing an NFT (on its own page, not viewing a thumbnail on the homepage or search result), you’ll find links to various social media apps. Click on the app's icon that you want to use for sharing your NFT and post your creation from there.

    • Can I transfer or sell my NFTs or post them to opensea and other marketplaces?

      For starters, NFT-O-Matic is focused on making NFT creation simple, fun and free for everyone. Transferring your NFTs into different wallets or selling them are features that are coming soon!

    • Do I need an account to view NFTs on NFT-O-Matic?

      No, you don’t need an account to view NFTs or other site content. You only need an account to create an NFT or have us remember if you “Liked” NFTs or NOMers.

    • Do I own the NFTs that I create?

      Yes! You are the sole owner of your NFTs created on NFT-O-Matic (subject to our Terms of Service, of course).  You can read more about how to create an NFT on NFT-O-Matic in our other FAQs.

    • How do I “Like” an NFT?

      When you see an NFT that you like, click the heart button next to “Like” and the NFT will be added to your “Likes” page. You can view all your Likes in the “My Stuff” section, which can be accessed from the site menu (the 3 bars in the upper-right corner of every page).

    • How do I create an account?

      NFT-O-Matic will ask you to log in if you try to reach a page that requires it.  If you reach the Login page and do not yet have an account, click on the green “Register” button or the link that says “Register” under the login box. Once you are on the registration page, you can login to an existing account or make a new one by clicking “Register”. To register, choose a username, fill out some basic information, and finish by hitting “Register” at the bottom of the page. Now you’re ready to make your first NFT by hitting the “Create” button in the header of any page!

    • How do I create an NFT on NFT-O-Matic?
      Creating an NFT is as easy as 1, 2, 3!  In short, hit the button, pick your image, enter a few details, and boom… NFT!  The process is designed to be simple and quick, but if you would like detailed instructions, read on…
      • Step 1: Pick NFT image: Time to pick your image!  If you are on your phone or tablet, you can choose to take a new picture or select one from your gallery.  If you are on your computer or laptop, you can either click to select an image or drag your image onto the box.
      • Step 2: Enter NFT Required Details: Now we just need a few bits of info to get the NFT wheels turning.  When you’re done, hit the “Next” button.

      ◊  NFT Title: Your brand new NFT needs a name, right? Give your creation a name, which will be displayed as the “Title” of your NFT. Your Title will be visible to other NOMers.

      ◊  Image Type: What type of image did you use to create the NFT? Was it a photo? A screenshot? A graphic? Select the type that fits best. If no option fits your image, select “Other”.

      ◊  Image Subject: What is the subject of your NFT? Is it a photo of a friend? A screenshot of your favorite celebrity? A snapshot from a scenic vacation? Select the subject that fits best, or select “Other” if none seem like the right fit.

      ◊  My Mood Right Now: Your fellow NOMers want to know... what mood were you in when you created this masterpiece?

      • Step 3: Enter Optional Details: On the next screen you can enter as many or as few details as you want!  Some of these fields may not show up for you depending on what you chose as your Image Type on in Step 2.  If you want to change any of the details you already entered, just hit the “Back” button.  When you’re done, hit “Create My NFT!”

      ◊  Vibe/Scene: When looking at your NFT, what vibe do you pick up on? Is it fun? Chill? Chaotic? We want to know how we should feel when looking at your NFT.

      ◊  Check Out My: What element should we focus on in your NFT? Think about what you are highlighting in your creation. Should your fellow NOMers check out your colorful outfit? Your delicious meal? Your smiling friends?

      ◊  Where Am I: Sometimes a little context helps us understand the story behind your NFT. Where were you when you took this image? What is the subject doing? What was happening behind the scenes?

      ◊  Animal Type: If your NFT features an animal, what kind is it? Is it your pet dog or an elephant at the zoo?

      ◊  Nature Type: If your NFT was taken out in the wild, where were you? Does it show the beaches of Florida? The Rocky Mountains? The Italian countryside?

      ◊  Outfit: If your NFT showcases your unique style, give us the details on your look. Are you showing off your new earrings, a vintage jacket, or a one-of-a-kind design?

      ◊  Hair: Sometimes it’s all about the ‘do. Tell us more about your locks, whether it’s a fresh highlight, chic haircut, or wild bedhead.

      ◊  Detailed NFT Description: Go beyond the title to give a deeper look into your NFT. Feel free to share your inspiration, motivations, thoughts, and feelings behind the creation. Write a few words or a novel, the choice is yours!

      When you’re done, hit “Continue...”  Now sit back and let Nfty Pete do his thing!
      • Confirmation: After a few seconds, you will be taken to the confirmation page.  Don’t worry about the details here, your NFT is ready to mint and won’t cost you a penny.  Just check the box and click “Create NFT”.  And that’s it!  Your NFT has been created and is ready for staring & sharing.
    • How do I log in to my account?

      NFT-O-Matic will ask you to log in if you try to reach a page that requires it.  You can also access the Login page from the main menu (the 3 bars in the upper-right corner of every page).  If that menu has a line that says “Logout” instead of “Login”, it means you are already logged in!  Once you are at the Login page, just enter your username and password and click the orange “Log In” button.  If you can’t remember your password, click the yellow “Lost PW” button.  If you haven’t registered yet, you can also create an account.

    • How do I log out of my account?

      You can also access the Logout page from the main menu (the 3 bars in the upper-right corner of every page).  If that menu has a line that says “Login” instead of “Logout”, it means you are already logged out!  Once you are at the Logout page, just click the yellow “Logout” button, or click the blue “Cancel” button to stay logged in.

    • How do I view my NFTs?

      From the menu (the 3 bars in the upper-right corner of every page), click “My Stuff” and then the “My NFTs” button to see a list of all your NFT-O-Matic creations.

    • How do I view other creators’ NFTs on NFT-O-Matic?

      Click on the “NFT UNIVERSE” page, which can be accessed through the sidebar menu. All NFTs created on NFT-O-Matic can be viewed here.

    • Is it free to make an NFT on NFT-O-Matic?

      Yes!  NFT-O-Matic is simple, fun, and always FREE.

    • What is NFT-O-Matic?

      NFT-O-Matic is the simple, fun and free to create & enjoy your own NFTs!  NFT-O-Matic was created to showcase the power of RockSolid, the enterprise NFT creation & management engine from Blockalicious LLC.

    • What's a NOMer?

      If you made an NFT using NFT-O-Matic, then YOU are a NOMer!  It is short for NFT-O-Matic-er, aka someone who uses NFT-O-Matic.  Kinda like a fiddler is someone who uses a fiddle.  Or a biker is someone who uses a bike.  Hey, Nfty Pete came up with it, and we didn’t want to hurt his feelings by changing it!

    • Who is Nfty Pete?

      Why, the mascot of NFT-O-Matic, of course! Nfty Pete does all the heavy lifting around here: teaching people how to use the site, minting NFTs, writing images to IPFS, etc. He makes sure NFT-O-Matic stays simple, fun & free!

      Legend has it that Nfty Pete's parents were the world's first NFT and an ancient Greek stone (petra) that reputedly was the world's first simple, fun and free item. But only Nfty Pete knows for sure, and he's not saying!

      If you are thinking that the first ancient Greek petra was thousands of years ago but the world's first NFT wasn't minted until 2014, you need to know that Pete inhabits a parallel universe where time is just one of many constructs subject to manipulation. Think "Interstellar" meets "Bugs Bunny", with some "Mr. Incredible" thrown in. But we digress...

      Nfty Pete
      Nfty Pete

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Nfty Pete is glad to see you!  If you don’t have an account, just click Register.

Nfty Pete
Nfty Pete
Nfty Pete
Nfty Pete

Let's create your NFT!

Just hit "Create NFT"...

Behind-the-scenes, Nfty Pete will write your transaction to the blockchain and place your shiny new NFT in your NFT-O-Matic wallet.  Phew!

R U sure U want to go?

Nfty Pete will miss you…

Nfty Pete
Nfty Pete
Nfty Pete

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Just let your friends scan the QR below, or send them the URL!

Nfty Pete
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